Wednesday, December 17, 2008

9 Years...

Dec 17th, 1999. An Ice Storm, 250 or so guests, and the my beautiful bride. Quite an evening, what I can remember of it. It's such a blur, it went so fast. I think I had two bites of my dinner. My family was in full effect as to be expected... My sister tried to steal a Good times.

So yeah, nine years later. One son (almost 4) and another little one on the way. 4 moves (Apartment, to Town House, to Condo, to current House) and plenty of memories in between. I love my wife more than words can describe. You can call me soft, or say I'm not manly or whatever. I just love my wife, and I'm not embarrassed to let people know it. I need her, as she completes me. God has made us for each other, and we fit better than spandex. Word.

I'm gonna go listen to some Toni Tony Tone.... (if you don't get that, you're mad young)

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