Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The "Change" we need...

Apparently I don't have the proper trademarks in place...

Frankly, I'm sick of everyone talking about "Change" when the reality is, neither prominent party candidate will change much of anything in the immediate future.

Why do we need a President to change things? I realize our poor and middle-class are suffering. What can we as God-fearing men and women do to alleviate that? What are we called to do by God's word?

One of the most common theme's throughout scripture, is Christ compelling us (the church) to take care of those in need. It's part of who we're to be, in Christ. Does that mean government shouldn't be taking care of it's poor and suffering? Not at all. In fact, I believe if we want to call ourselves a Christian nation, we (the people) must mandate that our government does so. Not just in 3rd world countries, or places we've destroyed due to war. But in our own backyards, and street corners, and alleys.

We have a voice. It will not be a collective one, as many Christians are divided over to whom they should caste their vote. I implore you, vote your heart. Pray about it, and do what seems right according to your walk. Yes, I know who I'm voting for, and I know why. I also know how the issues align with the Word of God, and why I feel so compelled to vote the way I will on November 4th.

Let's not end our campaign for "change" at the voting booth. I don't have money to spare, and I'm sure you don't either. Times are tough for everyone right now. But this is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. Are we Christians or not? Would Christ reach out and help those in need, in whatever method he could? Should we not do the same?

Yes, it's time for change. A change of heart...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

West Coasting...

Back from my recent 5 day trip to the west coast. Glad to be home, I dislike leaving my family for lengthy periods. However, it's nice to get away from it all, too.

I'm always happy to go back to Vegas, my home away from home. I get to visit my brother Mike and his family, and I get to hang out with my friends from when we lived there. Shouts out to Kwon, Kruz, Torcherous, P2, and Heather Fox. It was cool to kick it with the fam.

One thing remains the same over time. Wherever you have family in Christ, you have family for life. When I step off a plane in Vegas, I feel like I never left. My friends and I don't miss a beat, it's as though I still live there, and they treat me the same as always. I love that. I miss living out there. I miss the lights, the action, the Hip-Hop scene, late night studio sessions, you name it... I miss it.

Nothing deep here folks, just giving props to my West Coast fam. Thanks for the hospitality last week.


P.S. Kruz, finish your album... slacker.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Be Excellent

Col. 3:17 “and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Col. 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

Eph 6:8 “Serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord, not men.”

What do those scriptures say to you? In short, to me, they say "Be excellent". At work, at home, as a Salesman, as a Father, as a Minister, as a Husband... You get the idea. We're called to do these things to the best of our abilities. Some of us (really, all of us... just some choose to not respond) are called to certain things. Pastors, ministers, singers, politicians... well, maybe not politicians...heh. But those of us who respond to the call, are called to do that specific thing in excellence.

This is one of my biggest beefs with "Christians" as a whole. As long as someone says they're doing whatever it is they're doing, for "the Lord", they're given a pass. Ever hear this one...?

"Well bless her heart, she's singing for Jesus"...

But she's the last person who should ever touch a microphone? Why is Sister Cantsingalick given a pass? I think there's a couple of reasons, but it mostly boils down to a lack of discipline. On the part of the person trying to operate in a gift they don't have, and on the part of the church encouraging people to "keep doing it for Jesus!".

If you're called to sing, then sing. If you can't sing, get lessons. Train, pursue your calling with the intention of being excellent at it. If it turns out you're tone deaf, or physically unable to sing, re-evaluate your call. It's possible you weren't called to be a singer after all... It's possible you just wanted to be a singer.

Does this mean if you're not good at something, you can't be called to it? Not at all... Often times God calls us to do things outside of our comfort zone. God knows we're capable of doing these things as He enables us, but we have to step out in faith. My pastor is a very good preacher. He's great at it, actually. He's funny, he's well spoken, he interacts with his congregation, and draws people in. 12 years ago he was horrible, and he'd tell you that himself. He pursued his calling, and God grew that gift because it was his calling.

In the Hip-Hop industry, I have seen many people operate in what they call their "gift" of rapping, but they're simply terrible at it. They simply say "I'm doing it for the Lord" and it's a ticket to freedom. Truth is, they probably aren't called to be a rapper, they just love the music and the culture, and wanted to be a rapper. Know how many people I've heard say "I've always wanted to be a singer..." or ________ (insert random talent here)...? Everyone wants to do something they're not good at. I'd love to be a guitar player, but I can't play a chord to save my life. If I said I was "playing for Jesus" and then couldn't string together two notes, would you question my call? I certainly would...

It's important to evaluate our position every so often. Are we operating in our gift pursuant to our call? Or are we doing something we want to do because we think we're good at it, but we're really not? Do you have people in your life who are free to tell you so?

I'm anticipating the emails from my friends telling me to stop rapping now.... haha