Well, we've recently been dumped on here in Southeast Michigan. 10" in the last couple of days, with another 3" supposed to drop today. Looking out my office window at work, I'd say 3" is the least we'll get. It's been coming down steady for the last couple of hours.
My daily commute is 48 miles each way. 90% Freeway, 10% back roads. My 10% back road stretch this morning took me 25 minutes! This is something I'll never understand. I live in Michigan, I realize it's going to snow. I prepare for that mentally and physically. I understand there are extra precautions I must take, and adjust my schedule to accommodate the possibilities on the roads. However, what I don't understand is, why the other drivers in this state act like Anthrax is falling from the sky and their death is looming around each curve.
Seriously. YOU LIVE IN MICHIGAN!!!! Why does snow surprise anyone? How does snow surprise ANYONE in Michigan? This isn't Florida, people. HELLO???? Does this compute? The roads are plowed, they aren't icy or slippery, yet people drive like they've never seen this magical white powder falling from the sky. It's not mana from heaven, you morons. IT'S SNOW!!!!
You'd think I was actually in Florida, in some sort of senile living facility the way these people forget from one year to the next what it's like to live here. It's not that hard to drive in snow, I actually prefer it to the rain. What we need is a mandatory moron lane on the highways which allow anyone driving under the speed limit to mosey along at their personal leisure. This would allow those of us who aren't idiots to drive in the remainder of the lanes and arrive at work on time.
Yes, I complained publicly on a blog. I'm too transparent. Yes it's fleshly and very non Christlike to call people morons. Doesn't take away from it being truthful...
I need to make a bumper sticker for my car.... "Jesus loves you, I think you're an idiot."
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
9 Years...
Dec 17th, 1999. An Ice Storm, 250 or so guests, and the my beautiful bride. Quite an evening, what I can remember of it. It's such a blur, it went so fast. I think I had two bites of my dinner. My family was in full effect as to be expected... My sister tried to steal a centerpiece...lol... Good times.
So yeah, nine years later. One son (almost 4) and another little one on the way. 4 moves (Apartment, to Town House, to Condo, to current House) and plenty of memories in between. I love my wife more than words can describe. You can call me soft, or say I'm not manly or whatever. I just love my wife, and I'm not embarrassed to let people know it. I need her, as she completes me. God has made us for each other, and we fit better than spandex. Word.
I'm gonna go listen to some Toni Tony Tone.... (if you don't get that, you're mad young)
So yeah, nine years later. One son (almost 4) and another little one on the way. 4 moves (Apartment, to Town House, to Condo, to current House) and plenty of memories in between. I love my wife more than words can describe. You can call me soft, or say I'm not manly or whatever. I just love my wife, and I'm not embarrassed to let people know it. I need her, as she completes me. God has made us for each other, and we fit better than spandex. Word.
I'm gonna go listen to some Toni Tony Tone.... (if you don't get that, you're mad young)
Friday, December 5, 2008
WWW +10, Retail Shops 0
I love Christmas time. It's a fun time of hustle and bustle, and everyone is so stressed about gifts, and dinners, and family disputes. Hilarity ensues, I benefit from it greatly. That's probably selfish, but at least I'm transparent.
I'm proud to report, for two years running, I've denied all local retailers my income. I'm sorry if that offends some of you unionized folks who believe we should support our local business, but that's reality. 90% of local business's won't or can't compete with online pricing. Why is that?
Is the cost of electricity, heat, and water for a storefront that much more expensive than shipping a few million packages from a warehouse for an online retailer? I truly don't know, but I can only assume the costs are similar. So overhead for the local retailers is merely an excuse.
When the local retailer has an Optimus Prime Transformer for $49.99 + Tax and I can purchase it online for $38.99 with Free Shipping and No Tax, what incentive do I have to drive to that retailer, and plunk down more of my hard-earned coin for the same exact product? This makes NO logical sense to me. Nor should it to you. However, some people will argue that we need to support our local retailers, preserve jobs, boost our local economy, etc...
I'm not buying it. Figuratively or literally. Honestly, we aren't preserving anything by supporting our local Wal-Mart or Best Buy. A local specialty shop, sure. But then you're paying for a service or convenience not provided by other retailers and often not found online. It's the personal touch that draws us to such locations. That I understand. But please, explain why I should buy from my local Best Buy instead of NewEgg.com when I can save $10, $20, or even $300 on an item?
There are multiple reasons why I shop online exclusively these days.
1. Convenience: I don't even have to do anything but click some buttons. That's worth it.
2. Price: More often than not, it's cheaper online and I don't have additional costs in gas, mileage, etc...
3. Availability: I can almost always find what I'm looking for online, when a local retailer may not stock an item or have been sold out.
4. Lazy: Yes, I'm lazy.
5. No Crowds: I'm not a people person (surprise!). I despise crowded malls and stores with people groping products that I could potentially purchase.
I could go on... but I digress. I'm probably talking to the wrong crowd anyway. The four people who read this blog are online, and reading a blog. They probably don't care either... :)
I'm proud to report, for two years running, I've denied all local retailers my income. I'm sorry if that offends some of you unionized folks who believe we should support our local business, but that's reality. 90% of local business's won't or can't compete with online pricing. Why is that?
Is the cost of electricity, heat, and water for a storefront that much more expensive than shipping a few million packages from a warehouse for an online retailer? I truly don't know, but I can only assume the costs are similar. So overhead for the local retailers is merely an excuse.
When the local retailer has an Optimus Prime Transformer for $49.99 + Tax and I can purchase it online for $38.99 with Free Shipping and No Tax, what incentive do I have to drive to that retailer, and plunk down more of my hard-earned coin for the same exact product? This makes NO logical sense to me. Nor should it to you. However, some people will argue that we need to support our local retailers, preserve jobs, boost our local economy, etc...
I'm not buying it. Figuratively or literally. Honestly, we aren't preserving anything by supporting our local Wal-Mart or Best Buy. A local specialty shop, sure. But then you're paying for a service or convenience not provided by other retailers and often not found online. It's the personal touch that draws us to such locations. That I understand. But please, explain why I should buy from my local Best Buy instead of NewEgg.com when I can save $10, $20, or even $300 on an item?
There are multiple reasons why I shop online exclusively these days.
1. Convenience: I don't even have to do anything but click some buttons. That's worth it.
2. Price: More often than not, it's cheaper online and I don't have additional costs in gas, mileage, etc...
3. Availability: I can almost always find what I'm looking for online, when a local retailer may not stock an item or have been sold out.
4. Lazy: Yes, I'm lazy.
5. No Crowds: I'm not a people person (surprise!). I despise crowded malls and stores with people groping products that I could potentially purchase.
I could go on... but I digress. I'm probably talking to the wrong crowd anyway. The four people who read this blog are online, and reading a blog. They probably don't care either... :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
That Guy... Don't be him.
Everyone knows "That Guy" don't they? Everyone seriously dislikes "That Guy" but almost no one tells "That Guy" that he's actually "That Guy". Quite the canundrum. How is "That Guy" supposed to know he's "That Guy" if no one ever says. "Hey, you know you're "That Guy" don't you?"
At this point in the blog you're probably obsessing over the supersaturation of "That Guy" being used in my blogging on "That Guy", right? One more for good measure? "That Guy"...
Good times... but seriously. I have an acquaintance in my life who is the epitome of "That Guy". He's called my cell approximately 10 times in the last week, left several messages, and not once has he left a descriptive message as to why I should call him back. Just, "Hey Change, what's up? This is "That Guy"... so give me a call as soon as you can!" I laugh... then I don't call him back.
It's not that I wouldn't call him back if he had a valid reason, which he may have, but he's yet to relay that information to me. See, this guy is "That Guy" who only ever calls when he wants something from you, and has nothing to offer you in return. I've helped him on several occasions, done things for him that I generally charge other people money for doing, and have given him the benefit of the doubt on several occasions since. I'm simply tired and done dealing with him at this point.
See, I don't mind helping people. In fact, I enjoy it quite a bit. What I don't like at all, is being used. That is what "That Guy" does, he uses people for his own gain, and has nothing to offer in return. I suppose I'll receive a message today or tomorrow with him expressing his frustration about me not calling him back yet (it's happened before) and I'll chuckle at his angst considering he still won't have given me details on why he's trying to get in touch with me.
So, learn a life lesson here. Don't be "That Guy". Capiche?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Yes indeed. I turned 30 last week. I wasn't dreading it like many people (read: women) do. Merely another day at this point. Nothing fancy, nothing monumental.
The only thing remarkable about it would be, I never thought I'd get here. At one point in my life, I never thought I'd live to see 21, let alone 30. There was a stage in my youth where I was quite positive I was bound for an early death or imprisonment.
Thank God for His grace and redemption. Looking forward to forty!
The only thing remarkable about it would be, I never thought I'd get here. At one point in my life, I never thought I'd live to see 21, let alone 30. There was a stage in my youth where I was quite positive I was bound for an early death or imprisonment.
Thank God for His grace and redemption. Looking forward to forty!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Embarrassed of my Brethren
I'm extremely embarrassed right now. The morning after an historic election within this country, countless numbers of "Christians" on facebook, blogs, and websites across the nation are spewing hate, lies, and vulgarity towards Barack Obama. On one web forum I frequent, one so-called “Christian” posted a picture of a Black Aborted fetus, eluding to the notion that this is what we have to look forward to…
Another person declared they “can’t wait to hear Obama’s speech in 4 years when nothing has changed, and he’s failed his country”… These aren’t extreme examples… Status updates on Facebook declaring Obama is a Terrorist, and God voted for McCain… Absolutely disgusting display of behavior from “the Church”. Yet, we wonder why the lost don’t come beating down our doors for direction and guidance? How pompous are we?
McCain is not a Christian. His speech and actions can tell you such. He chose a conservative Christian running mate, to pander for the Evangelical vote which belonged to Bush. It was nothing more than a marketing approach. I don’t believe Obama is a Christian either. The views of his longtime pastor and mentor do not Vibe with the teachings of Jesus Christ, so don’t get it twisted. This isn’t relevant to my point, so let me move on…
Rom 13:1-2 MKJV
(1) Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities. For there is no authority but of God; the authorities that exist are ordained by God.
(2) So that the one resisting the authority resists the ordinance of God; and the ones who resist will receive judgment to themselves.
Is the above scripture open to interpretation? Sure. But I think Paul spells it out in black and white for all to see. We’re called to support our authorities is prayer, and in action (including speech or text or status updates…) as Christians. I don’t care who you voted for, and I don’t care what your personal opinion of our new President Elect happens to be. What I do care about, is whether or not you portray yourself as a child of God, and how that reflects on the rest of us.
I’m not asking you to be fake, and wear an Obama sticker on your popped-collar. I am asking that you submit to God’s plan, support your Authorities with prayer and actions. We won’t like what our Authorities always do. But unless it goes against God, we’re to submit to it. That’s the call, and that’s the cross we choose to bare for Christ… If only some of us truly lived what we claim we do...
Monday, November 3, 2008
You got a purdy mouf...mmm hmmm
Anyone else sick of the endless mudslinging right now? Man, thank God for DVR's! It's sickening the amount of ad revenue spent on lies, slander, and blatant misleading propaganda perpetuated by the GOP and the DNC. What gives? How is it, that in this "Great Nation" built on the premise of "In God We Trust" we have two deceitful parties involved with the most disgusting political tactics without remorse?
Makes me think, that this type of activity is so commonplace in our lives at this point, that most people don't give a second thought to spewing mistruths regardless of whom it hurts. Obama and McCain are receiving the brunt of it these last few months but, who do we inflict undeserved pain on in our day to day lives without a second thought?
Jam 3:2-10 MKJV
(2) For in many things we all offend. If anyone does not offend in word, the same is a full-grown man, able also to bridle the whole body.
(3) Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, so that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body.
(4) Behold also the ships being so great, and driven by fierce winds, yet they are turned about with a very small rudder, where the impulse of him steering desires.
(5) Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. Behold how little a fire kindles how large a forest!
(6) And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. So the tongue is set among our members, spotting all the body and inflaming the course of nature, and being inflamed by hell.
(7) For every kind of animals, and of birds, and of reptiles, and of sea-animals, is tamed, and has been tamed by mankind.
(8) But no one can tame the tongue, it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
(9) By this we bless God, even the Father. And by this we curse men, who have come into being according to the image of God.
(10) Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.
Something that most of us as Christians probably would like to believe we have control over. We don't speak cruel to one another (most of the time) and we certainly would never talk about one another behind backs, now would we?
"I'm picking up on your sarcasm" - Gas Attendant in Tommy Boy
We should really strive to be better. I know it's time for me to step up, and stop allowing myself, and others around me to perpetuate this problem. Do your part, I implore you.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The "Change" we need...
Apparently I don't have the proper trademarks in place...
Frankly, I'm sick of everyone talking about "Change" when the reality is, neither prominent party candidate will change much of anything in the immediate future.
Why do we need a President to change things? I realize our poor and middle-class are suffering. What can we as God-fearing men and women do to alleviate that? What are we called to do by God's word?
One of the most common theme's throughout scripture, is Christ compelling us (the church) to take care of those in need. It's part of who we're to be, in Christ. Does that mean government shouldn't be taking care of it's poor and suffering? Not at all. In fact, I believe if we want to call ourselves a Christian nation, we (the people) must mandate that our government does so. Not just in 3rd world countries, or places we've destroyed due to war. But in our own backyards, and street corners, and alleys.
We have a voice. It will not be a collective one, as many Christians are divided over to whom they should caste their vote. I implore you, vote your heart. Pray about it, and do what seems right according to your walk. Yes, I know who I'm voting for, and I know why. I also know how the issues align with the Word of God, and why I feel so compelled to vote the way I will on November 4th.
Let's not end our campaign for "change" at the voting booth. I don't have money to spare, and I'm sure you don't either. Times are tough for everyone right now. But this is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. Are we Christians or not? Would Christ reach out and help those in need, in whatever method he could? Should we not do the same?
Yes, it's time for change. A change of heart...
Frankly, I'm sick of everyone talking about "Change" when the reality is, neither prominent party candidate will change much of anything in the immediate future.
Why do we need a President to change things? I realize our poor and middle-class are suffering. What can we as God-fearing men and women do to alleviate that? What are we called to do by God's word?
One of the most common theme's throughout scripture, is Christ compelling us (the church) to take care of those in need. It's part of who we're to be, in Christ. Does that mean government shouldn't be taking care of it's poor and suffering? Not at all. In fact, I believe if we want to call ourselves a Christian nation, we (the people) must mandate that our government does so. Not just in 3rd world countries, or places we've destroyed due to war. But in our own backyards, and street corners, and alleys.
We have a voice. It will not be a collective one, as many Christians are divided over to whom they should caste their vote. I implore you, vote your heart. Pray about it, and do what seems right according to your walk. Yes, I know who I'm voting for, and I know why. I also know how the issues align with the Word of God, and why I feel so compelled to vote the way I will on November 4th.
Let's not end our campaign for "change" at the voting booth. I don't have money to spare, and I'm sure you don't either. Times are tough for everyone right now. But this is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. Are we Christians or not? Would Christ reach out and help those in need, in whatever method he could? Should we not do the same?
Yes, it's time for change. A change of heart...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
West Coasting...
Back from my recent 5 day trip to the west coast. Glad to be home, I dislike leaving my family for lengthy periods. However, it's nice to get away from it all, too.
I'm always happy to go back to Vegas, my home away from home. I get to visit my brother Mike and his family, and I get to hang out with my friends from when we lived there. Shouts out to Kwon, Kruz, Torcherous, P2, and Heather Fox. It was cool to kick it with the fam.
One thing remains the same over time. Wherever you have family in Christ, you have family for life. When I step off a plane in Vegas, I feel like I never left. My friends and I don't miss a beat, it's as though I still live there, and they treat me the same as always. I love that. I miss living out there. I miss the lights, the action, the Hip-Hop scene, late night studio sessions, you name it... I miss it.
Nothing deep here folks, just giving props to my West Coast fam. Thanks for the hospitality last week.
P.S. Kruz, finish your album... slacker.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Be Excellent
Col. 3:17 “and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
This is one of my biggest beefs with "Christians" as a whole. As long as someone says they're doing whatever it is they're doing, for "the Lord", they're given a pass. Ever hear this one...?
"Well bless her heart, she's singing for Jesus"...
But she's the last person who should ever touch a microphone? Why is Sister Cantsingalick given a pass? I think there's a couple of reasons, but it mostly boils down to a lack of discipline. On the part of the person trying to operate in a gift they don't have, and on the part of the church encouraging people to "keep doing it for Jesus!".
If you're called to sing, then sing. If you can't sing, get lessons. Train, pursue your calling with the intention of being excellent at it. If it turns out you're tone deaf, or physically unable to sing, re-evaluate your call. It's possible you weren't called to be a singer after all... It's possible you just wanted to be a singer.
Does this mean if you're not good at something, you can't be called to it? Not at all... Often times God calls us to do things outside of our comfort zone. God knows we're capable of doing these things as He enables us, but we have to step out in faith. My pastor is a very good preacher. He's great at it, actually. He's funny, he's well spoken, he interacts with his congregation, and draws people in. 12 years ago he was horrible, and he'd tell you that himself. He pursued his calling, and God grew that gift because it was his calling.
In the Hip-Hop industry, I have seen many people operate in what they call their "gift" of rapping, but they're simply terrible at it. They simply say "I'm doing it for the Lord" and it's a ticket to freedom. Truth is, they probably aren't called to be a rapper, they just love the music and the culture, and wanted to be a rapper. Know how many people I've heard say "I've always wanted to be a singer..." or ________ (insert random talent here)...? Everyone wants to do something they're not good at. I'd love to be a guitar player, but I can't play a chord to save my life. If I said I was "playing for Jesus" and then couldn't string together two notes, would you question my call? I certainly would...
It's important to evaluate our position every so often. Are we operating in our gift pursuant to our call? Or are we doing something we want to do because we think we're good at it, but we're really not? Do you have people in your life who are free to tell you so?
I'm anticipating the emails from my friends telling me to stop rapping now.... haha
Col. 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
Eph 6:8 “Serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord, not men.”
What do those scriptures say to you? In short, to me, they say "Be excellent". At work, at home, as a Salesman, as a Father, as a Minister, as a Husband... You get the idea. We're called to do these things to the best of our abilities. Some of us (really, all of us... just some choose to not respond) are called to certain things. Pastors, ministers, singers, politicians... well, maybe not politicians...heh. But those of us who respond to the call, are called to do that specific thing in excellence.This is one of my biggest beefs with "Christians" as a whole. As long as someone says they're doing whatever it is they're doing, for "the Lord", they're given a pass. Ever hear this one...?
"Well bless her heart, she's singing for Jesus"...
But she's the last person who should ever touch a microphone? Why is Sister Cantsingalick given a pass? I think there's a couple of reasons, but it mostly boils down to a lack of discipline. On the part of the person trying to operate in a gift they don't have, and on the part of the church encouraging people to "keep doing it for Jesus!".
If you're called to sing, then sing. If you can't sing, get lessons. Train, pursue your calling with the intention of being excellent at it. If it turns out you're tone deaf, or physically unable to sing, re-evaluate your call. It's possible you weren't called to be a singer after all... It's possible you just wanted to be a singer.
Does this mean if you're not good at something, you can't be called to it? Not at all... Often times God calls us to do things outside of our comfort zone. God knows we're capable of doing these things as He enables us, but we have to step out in faith. My pastor is a very good preacher. He's great at it, actually. He's funny, he's well spoken, he interacts with his congregation, and draws people in. 12 years ago he was horrible, and he'd tell you that himself. He pursued his calling, and God grew that gift because it was his calling.
In the Hip-Hop industry, I have seen many people operate in what they call their "gift" of rapping, but they're simply terrible at it. They simply say "I'm doing it for the Lord" and it's a ticket to freedom. Truth is, they probably aren't called to be a rapper, they just love the music and the culture, and wanted to be a rapper. Know how many people I've heard say "I've always wanted to be a singer..." or ________ (insert random talent here)...? Everyone wants to do something they're not good at. I'd love to be a guitar player, but I can't play a chord to save my life. If I said I was "playing for Jesus" and then couldn't string together two notes, would you question my call? I certainly would...
It's important to evaluate our position every so often. Are we operating in our gift pursuant to our call? Or are we doing something we want to do because we think we're good at it, but we're really not? Do you have people in your life who are free to tell you so?
I'm anticipating the emails from my friends telling me to stop rapping now.... haha
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
End of an era...
Haaaaaaa Lelujah! Haaaaaaa Lelujah!
Ha Le Lu Jah, Ha Le Lu Jah
Ha Leeeeeeeeeee Lu Jaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Finally. Maybe I shouldn't have sold my entire seasons tickets... Not that it will matter. They're still ridiculously horrible for an NFL franchise. They still don't have the required talent to compete on this level, and they still don't (in my humble opinion) have a coach who can develop talent. Let's face it, Marinelli is a Line Coach, and nothing more. We need someone with a bit of tenacity to light a fire where the Sun don't shine, and get the correct personnel in the locker room, and on the field.
Going on 20 years (1989) since we drafted Barry Sanders (the best draft pick in Lion's history) we've had a running gag of an offensive line. We've never been successful in the trenches, we've never had a successful secondary, and we've never had a successful Quarterback at the helm. Is it possible the team is cursed? Some believe so...
I'm ecstatic that Millen is gone. I'm overwhelmed with the thought that new cornbread will soon be coming out of the kitchens at Ford Field. I'm also reminded to keep calm, and rationalize that we're still the worst NFL franchise in the last 10 years, and nothing on the field level has changed, or will change immediately. It's time for Kitna to sit down and watch Stanton make mistakes, and gain experience. This season is done, Cherilus, Stanton, Smith, Fluellon, etc... all need to be starting and taking the majority of plays at their respective roles. I doubt it will happen, as Marinelli will do what he can to save his own tail at this point... and those rooks don't represent his best chance to win. However, they likely have more heart than the idiots who've taken the field the last 3 weeks.
They say time heals all wounds.... 51 years and counting, it still hurts.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Life's Parfait.
This morning, after a doctor's appt. and on my way to work, I decided to grab a quick bite. While waiting in the drive-through I decided on the parfait. Yogurt is good for you, essential nutrients and plenty of protein, and when has fruit ever been a bad thing? I was quite pleased with my decision, and so was my wallet. We felt good about it, and headed in to work.
While munching my delicious breakfast, I came to the middle layer of fruit, which to my surprise, was frozen. Apparently this parfait had been made a few hours earlier, and just removed from the freezer before being handed out the drive-through window. I could eat the frozen fruit, sure. But then I'm crunching through ice, making my teeth go crazy with the sensitivity, and not enjoying anything about it. I chose to let the parfait sit for 20 minutes, and then I'd pick it back up and devour it in a display, nothing short of pure awesomeness.
Ever had a bad parfait? I have... It's not cool at all. Bad yogurt, or rotten fruit, regardless of which, it's just bad. Ever feel like life is like a bad parfait? I have. Sometimes you have this awesome layer of creamy smooth yogurt, covering up a layer of nasty rottenness. Often times, our fruit is disgusting and we do everything we can to cover it up with layers of creamy goodness. The problem is, if your fruit is rotten, your creamy covering will soon show it.
Ever hear the cliche "it's what's on the inside that counts"...? Yeah, me too. I hate that cliche. Mostly because it's lame, but it's also true. Jesus said this:
(Mat 12:33 MKJV) Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by its fruit.
Allow me to paraphrase for my analogy, but the parfait is also known by it's fruit. Sometimes, I feel like the worst parfait in history. Sure, I can cover it up and gloss over my nasty fruit, and most people are none the wiser. But those who know me, who really know me, are there to keep me accountable. I truly appreciate those people in my life, as they don't allow me to let my fruit become rotten. They challenge me, they force me to grow spiritually, they encourage my walk with the Lord. If it weren't for these types of friends and mentors in my life, I'd be a nasty parfait, permanently. Luckily, God allows us to refresh our ingredients all the time. It's a matter of the heart.
What type of parfait are you?
While munching my delicious breakfast, I came to the middle layer of fruit, which to my surprise, was frozen. Apparently this parfait had been made a few hours earlier, and just removed from the freezer before being handed out the drive-through window. I could eat the frozen fruit, sure. But then I'm crunching through ice, making my teeth go crazy with the sensitivity, and not enjoying anything about it. I chose to let the parfait sit for 20 minutes, and then I'd pick it back up and devour it in a display, nothing short of pure awesomeness.
Ever had a bad parfait? I have... It's not cool at all. Bad yogurt, or rotten fruit, regardless of which, it's just bad. Ever feel like life is like a bad parfait? I have. Sometimes you have this awesome layer of creamy smooth yogurt, covering up a layer of nasty rottenness. Often times, our fruit is disgusting and we do everything we can to cover it up with layers of creamy goodness. The problem is, if your fruit is rotten, your creamy covering will soon show it.
Ever hear the cliche "it's what's on the inside that counts"...? Yeah, me too. I hate that cliche. Mostly because it's lame, but it's also true. Jesus said this:
(Mat 12:33 MKJV) Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by its fruit.
Allow me to paraphrase for my analogy, but the parfait is also known by it's fruit. Sometimes, I feel like the worst parfait in history. Sure, I can cover it up and gloss over my nasty fruit, and most people are none the wiser. But those who know me, who really know me, are there to keep me accountable. I truly appreciate those people in my life, as they don't allow me to let my fruit become rotten. They challenge me, they force me to grow spiritually, they encourage my walk with the Lord. If it weren't for these types of friends and mentors in my life, I'd be a nasty parfait, permanently. Luckily, God allows us to refresh our ingredients all the time. It's a matter of the heart.
What type of parfait are you?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Stale Corn Bread
For the past month or so, the kitchen's at Ford Field have been cooking it non-stop. It's been a lucrative business for the Ford's for the past 50 years or so. It happens every year around the same time, and every year we local yocals buy it in oversized portions. We love the smell of that hot, buttery, cornbread. It looks delicious, it smells even better, and it tastes great when going down in generous portions. But it never fails... we all get sick from it, every year. Why oh why don't we learn from our past mistakes?
If you don't already know, Cornbread is a common term for Detroit Lion fans. The Lions make claims, they feed us wonderful lies, and pleasurable stories of grandeur which ultimately unwind each season, as soon as regular season play begins. Most fans eat the "cornbread" and get all excited and hopeful as we're told year after year, "this season will be different than past years, we're building something good here!". Then the regular season arrives, and we're all full and punch-drunk off the hot, buttery cornbread which we ate against our better judgment. No more than 5 minutes into game one in Atlanta, I became violently sick. It appears the cornbread was stale, again.
It's ok, I've been sick like this every year for the past... well, the Lions have never been successful, so I suppose all 29 years of my existence. I'm used to it at this point. The good thing is, I know how to cure the illness. I have to reevaluate my expectations for the season, and line them up with reality. I was hoping for 9 and 7, I was expecting 7 and 9. But now I realize, I should be expecting 3 and 13.
Go Lions!!!....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Power Outage, and the First Day of School
Ahh... Tuesday Mournings. No, not my previous album. Rather, today began a new journey in our household as my son, Caleb, started pre-school. He looked like a little man today, with his backpack and Spiderman lunchbox (which I have to admit, I'm quite jealous of). He was quite prepared (thanks to T.W. (the wife) and my Mother-in-law) and very excited to embark on said journey. While I was excited for him, I have to admit I'm somewhat worried all the same. I haven't been in school for 10+ years, and I know kids can be cruel. Would my son be the outcast? Will he care? Will he say or do something to get himself in trouble? What if my kid is the school bully? Ok, breathe... relax... Most of these things I have no control over, but one thing I know for sure, he's an awesome kid. He's well behaved, even when he's not behaving. He's attentive (sometimes) and more importantly, he likes to be challenged. So I'm sure he'll do great at pre-school. Better than I'm doing today.
Which brings me to part II of this entry. While my son is playing learning games and reading stories, I'm busy at work. So busy, I've found time to blog about it. It's been quite an exciting day so far. DTE (Detroit Edison power company) is working in the nearby area for new construction, and they cut power to our entire building for most of the morning. No PC's, no Internet, no lights in the bathroom. Interesting to say the least. It's funny how the corporate world is made up of regular Joe's who revert to child-like mentalities when something like this happens. Water-cooler discussions of business deals turn into monologues from Office Space and Lumberg impressions. Just an observation...
I took the down-time as an opportunity to catch up on some reading. I'm currently reading Isaiah, Luke, and Psalms. So I took hold of the free time, and read a chapter or twenty. Good times, good reading. Ironically I was reading in Luke 19, the passage about Jesus driving out the business men from the temple. Jesus says "It is written 'My House is a House of prayer', but you have made it a den of robbers!". Strangely enough, I'm in a place of business which has turned into a place of disorder due to a simple loss of power. Lacking electricity, our place of business has turned into something it shouldn't be, in a matter of minutes.
I have to ask myself, do we... do I, do this as well? Within a short period of time, being withdrawn from God, His word, and His people in fellowship, we revert to child-like behavior and mannerisms, spiritually speaking. Critical spirits quickly arrive, and we become defensive and sometimes abrasive to others. We let our guard down with the things we allow in, and often let out. I know I do, at least. All the more reason to be in the Word daily, and refueling the spiritual reservoir which quickly runs dry. I know I need it more than most, I'm likely the worst offender.
Well, back to work... for the time being anyway.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Blog title, and idiotic ramblings...
So my good friend Justin emails me and tells me he's decided to start writing a blog. Justin and I talk frequently, and we enjoy a plethora of similar viewpoints on life. Justin deploys an essential element in his daily life which I often times fore go. That element being "Tact" or just a general respect for his fellow man. Truth is, Justin's an idiot. A Scribbling Idiot to be exact... (If you're not sure what a Scribbling Idiot is, I suggest you get with the times and expand your horizons.) I'm striving to be more tactful in my daily life and interaction with the world. It's somewhat necessary in my line of work, and trust me, God is working on me in this area. Regardless, reading his blog (linked in my blogs section) inspired me to get off my hump and do the same. Now, I'm not necessarily sure any of you reading this will care, but I plan to blog as often as possible, as long as I have something worthwhile to say. Lord knows, that's not as often as I open my mouth to actually say something. Too bad we don't have a blog filter in our daily lives, right?
I've titled my blog the same as my latest album, "Same As It Never Was" and with good reason. It's somewhat my outlook on life. Everything is in a constant state of change, the world around us, our minds, our spirits, our relationships, etc... Yet life remains the same since the inception of time, and God's creation of mankind. We serve the same purpose, day in and day out. So while life changes, it's still the same. There's "nothing new under the sun" and it's safe to say there's "nothing new under the Son" as well. Therefore, life remains the same as it never was. Deep, right? I'm a modern day philosopher, aka an idiot. These are just my ramblings. I'll do my best to post often, but I won't promise to do so.
Thanks for the inspiration, Justin. If this blog falls short of any one's expectations of me, blame him.
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